Wednesday, September 25, 2002

BBQXXX2 was a romping success, and you can see the photos of the aftermath over at TCITB... I made the Insanity Punch for the group, and had a bit much on my own. Sunday morning rolled around, and I felt like curling up in a corner and dying. Around 11:30AM (after waking up at 6:30AM after a mere three hours of sleep), I managed to keep down a glass of water and a bagel. Lounged around for the rest of the day watching football, then spent the evening over at the TCITB compound recovering with the rest of the crew.

Friday, September 20, 2002

Car's all fixed. Wee. I'll post pictures soon, I think.

I'm headed down to the TCITB compound on Saturday night for the BBQXXX2 party... a sort of equinox party for us geeky types.


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